2019 Academic Conference of Agricultural Green Development and National Nutrient Resource Management Network-Magnesium Workshop was successfully held in Chongqing, China
Source: | Author:Dongdong He | Published time: 2019-08-15 | 2771 Views | Share:

To promote the in-depth academic exchange and cooperation in the research field of domestic magnesium nutrition research, the International Magnesium Institute (IMI) organized a workshop for key groups and young researchers of the National Magnesium Network (NMN) in Chongqing on August 6th, 2019. Prof. Fusuo Zhang, director of IMI, Prof. Chunjian Li, Deputy director of IMI, Dr. Yanliang Guo from Shenzhen K+S Co., Ltd., Prof. Shiwei Guo frim Nanjing Agricultural University, Prof. Jianwei Lu from Huazhong Agricultural University, Prof. Yuanmao Jiang from Shandong Agricultural University, Prof. Xuexian Li from China Agricultural University, Dr. Yanbo Xiao from Euro Chen-Agro GmbH, and 43 representatives from NMN’s cooperative associations (China Agricultural University, Guangdong Bioengineering Institute, Hainan University, Southwest University, Huazhong Agricultural University, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Vegetable Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Science, China Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science, China Academy of Agricultural Science, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Zhejiang University, Fujian Tobacco Research Institute, Nanjing Agricultural University, Northeast Agricultural University, Shihezi University) attended the meeting. Prof. Chunjian Li hold the meeting, and the young researchers reported the progress in the past two years and future research plan of NMN, also conducted in-depth discussion. The content of these reports mainly involved how to improve the quality and efficiency in the production of dominant crops in different regions by applying magnesium nutrition, to explore the optimum application amount of Mg in different crops and the effects of Mg application on yield etc. At last, Prof. Chunjian Li summarized the NMN work and pointed out that the current research on magnesium nutrition has not received due attention, we should accelerate the research progress and apply the research results to production as soon as possible to generate practical benefits , promote local green development and deep level mechanism research. IMI director, Prof. Fusuo Zhang gave full recognition to the conference, made important comments on NMN’s work and gave clear instruction on the direction of NMN research.

The meeting ended successfully, and the report was highly appreciated by the judges and participants.

Pic 1: Dr. Xiaoliang Li from Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences

Pic 2: Academician Prof. Fusuo Zhang summarized the meeting

Pic 3: Group photo of participants