Magnesium deficiency is an important factor limiting crop
yield and quality. Thus, improving Mg nutrition of crops is of great importance
for intensive agricultural production. The National Magnesium Network (NMN) was
set up by the International Magnesium Institute (IMI) to conduct basic and
applied research to improve crop Mg nutrition. Its fundamental research on physiological
and molecular mechanisms of Mg uptake, transport and metabolism will provide a theoretical
basis for the enhancement of crop quality and quantity. Its applied research is
supported by Science & Technology Backyards and includes 21 crops across 15
provinces and cities in China. The objective of the applied research is to support
regional investigations of soil and crop Mg status, inform integrated Mg
management strategies and fertilizer recommendations, develop new Mg-fertilizer
products, perform knowledge exchange, technology transfer and technical services,
and cultivate a new generation of talented advisors and research scientists for
the agricultural industry, businesses and academia.