The 2nd Academic Salon of the National Mg Network was held in Fujian
Source: | Author:Zheng Wang | Published time: 2018-07-13 | 1642 Views | Share:

On 28th Jun, 2018, all the members of the International Magnesium Institute (IMI) FAFU discussed the chart and structure optimization of the related submission abstracts of the 3rd International Magnesium Symposium 2018. At the same time, they discussed the integrated management technology and application innovation scheme of the Pomelo Mg improvement and nutrient use efficiency in Pinghe, Zhangzhou. They also provided the optimization recommendations for the long term experiment of Pinghe Pomelo.

On 29th-30th Jun, 2018, a team of seven people went to Pinghe, Zhangzhou, to investigate the suitable site for long term people experiment. Meanwhile, they went to several Mg fertilizer experiment sites. Executive vice director Prof. Li Chunjian, and Prof. Li Xuexian from China Agricultural University (CAU) participated in the whole process. During the site visiting, it was found that the application of Mg fertilizer to pomelo trees had obvious positive effects. Which could greatly reduce the leaf yellowing of the tress and reflect the good effect of Mg fertilizer. Investigation also found that the phenomenon of leaf yellowing in pomelo trees had big difference by different household, which means there may be other factors influence the leaves yellowing except Mg. They suggested to make a systematically sampling and analyzing of soil and plants in different household in the region in the next step. Also, it should be photographed and recorded to explain the reasons for the yellowing of leaves. At the same time, we hope to further clarify the location of the long-term experiment base as well as the management of the base and the detailed working plans for different IMI graduate students. 

Pinghe Pomelo Field Trip